All Abilities Access

People and Parks Foundation are proud supporters of Parks Victoria’s Improving Park Access for All program. The Foundation believes that Victoria’s wonderful National Parks should be accessible to everyone, regardless of physical ability. To this end, the Foundation has provided funding for world-class, innovative equipment that enables people with restricted mobility to access wilderness areas previously restricted to walkers. 

In particular, the motorised TrailRider, funded by the Foundation for use in and around the Grampians National Park, opens up areas of the park’s trails that were previously considered too narrow or the terrain to difficult to be negotiated by sherpas alone.

People and Parks Foundation and Parks Victoria were thrilled to see the latest motorised TrailRider all access wheelchair in action on Sunday 24 May at the 2015 Run the Gap fun run event in Halls Gap.

The Pearce family from Halls Gap enjoyed using the TrailRider so their daughter Kelly could enjoy being part of the run. Parks Victoria staff Tammy Schoo and Caitlyn O’Reilly helped sherpa Kelly by pushing and pulling using the handles on the TrailRider. Sherpas who operated the chair on the day commended the improved manoeuvrability of the chair, with the motor doing most of the hard work!

“Kelly enjoyed the lovely walk in the park on the TrailRider, watching all the other people and the wildlife,” said her father Andrew. 

“Everyone has the right to enjoy the benefits of being in nature and we want to help everyone to be active in our parks. This is just one way we are making this possible and we plan to partner with Parks Victoria on similar projects in the future,” said People and Parks Foundation’s Executive Director, Sara Mirabella.

To find out more about People and Parks Foundation and Access for All, please go to Access for All!

To support People and Parks Foundation’s projects and contribute to the improvement of Victoria’s parks, and people’s access to them, please donate now.

For further information about TrailRiders available in parks around Victoria, accessible park accommodation and other park access information please go to
