Motorised TrailRider for Grampians NP
People and Parks Foundation purchased a new, motorised TrailRider for the Grampians National Park as part of a significant collaboration with Parks Victoria in support of the Healthy Parks Healthy People program.
The TrailRider was put to the test at Halls Gap’s Run the Gap challenge on Sunday 24 May, and received high praise from both passenger and sherpas.
The Weekly Advertiser: Horsham wrote an article celebrating the success of the TrailRider’s first outing at the Grampians, (read the full article here). In the article, People and Parks Foundation highlighted the significance of investing in equipment to make it easier for everyone to access wilderness areas. The health benefits of close contact with nature should be available to all people, regardless of ability. This philosophy is shared by Parks Victoria. Continued collaboration between People and Parks Foundation and Parks Victoria aims to give all parks visitors a meaningful experience in nature. Further access-for-all initiatives are planned in the near future.
For further information about TrailRiders in Victorian National Parks, go to
To support People and Parks Foundation and Parks Victoria’s Access for All program, you can make a donation.